

Hear from our previous clientele about their experience and journey through our services. You, could be next!

Success Stories

previous clientele feedback

When I decided to start working with personal trainer, i wanted someone who would help me reach my weight loss and fitness goals. Little did I know that when I started training with Sonia I would get so much more. After fitness and dietary assessment, Sonia talked to me about the type of workouts and dietary changes she thoughts would help me reach my goals. Sonia agreed to do her part and I agreed to work hard. She designed workouts that were individualized for me. Her workouts were creative, challenging and sometimes pure torture. Her innovative use of gym equipment, weights and brands also provided me with an Arsenal of ideas to use when I was on my own. It wasn’t encouragement and a sense of humor Sonia helped me achieve fitness goals that were beyond my expectations.

D. Gray

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Sonia Flaherty. I have had numerous fitness trainers over the past 30 years and she is the utmost best one I’ve known. After extensive back surgery, I needed to find a trainer who was knowledgeable in human anatomy and physiology and familiar with aspects of physical therapy. Sonia has exhibited expertise not only in these areas but also in areas of nutrition and overall health and fitness. I especially enjoy the fact that she varies our workouts in addition to making them fun. I can unequivocally recommend her as a personal trainer.

Jhon William

When I decided to start working with a personal trainer, I wanted someone who would help me reach my weight loss and fitness goals. Little did I know that when I started training with you, I would get so much more. After a fitness and dietary assessment, we discussed the type of workout and dietary changes you thought would help me reach my goals. The individualized workout programs you had for me were creative, challenging and sometimes pure torture. I was impressed with your innovative ways you used gym equipment, weights and bands. This benefited me tremendously because it gave me an arsenal of ideas for when I was working out on my own. I also looked forward to receiving text messages from you to see how I was feeling after our training session. Knowledgeable, always professional with encouragement and a sense of humor, Sonia you have helped me achieve my fitness goals that were beyond my expectations.

Debbie G.

Training with you over this past year has been inspiring. You have inspired me to make exercise and eating well a priority in my life. Your workouts made me feel empowered. You were always cheerful, helpful, understanding, challenging, encouraging and inspired me to wanting to do more and better myself. As a matter of fact, because of your encouragement and us working out together, my feelings towards exercise has changed from begrudging “have to” to a happy “I WANT TO”.I can’t thank you enough.

Cynthia N.

Sonia, ‘My shape saver!’ After several years as a hard working member of the sandwich generation of taking care of my elderly parents and raising children, it was fair to say my workout routine was sporadic at best and stale at worst. 2020 was the year to make the change and Sonia inspired me to invest in some personal training sessions. It’s been one of my most valuable purchases. Sonia designed three custom workouts for me that I could do in the gym, at home, or when travelling. HITT workouts are my new personal favorites. Each session is built to take me from my former fitness level to achieve my personal goals. Coronavirus didn’t stop her clients progress. Starting March 23rd Sonia invited us to follow her on Instagram where she was posting daily workouts and training tips; hence My Shape Saver 10weeks into sheltering in place. Her generosity, caring, and fun fitness workouts make Sonia a great choice for anyone looking for a personal trainer to get the shape you want.

Cindy D.

I have had numerous fitness trainers over the past 30years, and you are the best I’ve ever known. After extensive back surgery, I needed to find a trainer who was knowledgeable in human anatomy and physiology and familiar with aspects of physical therapy. Sonia, you have exhibited expertise not only in these areas but also in areas of nutrition and over all health and fitness. I especially enjoy the fact that you varied our workouts in addition to making them fun. I can unequivocally recommend her as a personal trainer.

E. A, Kummer MD FACP

Sonia, I love your videos. So informative, Thank you


Sonia this week’s Friday fitness tip video was amazing. I will listen to your recommendations.

Kalina M.

Sonia, I’m using a ton of your tips and workouts and seeing a big difference in my body. Thank you

Jessica D.

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