Hello There.

My name is Sonia Flaherty, and I’m passionate about all things related to health and fitness. Everything has always revolved around food for my family, a mantra of sorts if you will; gatherings were focussed on eating, and even quality time with my parents was all about canning, cooking and baking something yummy.

Food was the core of my life, the central foundation of my being. I never counted calories, did not entertain diets, nor even thought of the consequences of too much food in my life. Until I turned 26. That’s when My Fitness Journey began, thanks to my sister Demi.

One day while visiting, Demi handed me a beautifully-wrapped “just because” gift. I was so excited to see what it was, hurriedly opened the package, and then just sat there, staring at a blank journal with a pen. I was surprised and very puzzled actually, so I asked “What’s this for?”.

She pointedly replied “You’re starting to look unhealthy, so this journal is for you to write everything down, what you eat and how often you exercise”.

I was mortified. And cried for days.

Shortly afterwards, I came across a quote that stopped me in my tracks and helped me refocus.

“Get up every morning and tell yourself I can do this.”


And I did!

I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer. I read countless articles and books, watched all kinds of videos on nutrition, and feasted on real-life transformations of people who were in the same position I was in.

I surrounded myself with positive and passionate people, and finally began believing in myself: I could do what I set my mind to, I was worth it and I was going to succeed.

Motivated to Action

After working with my personal trainer, I felt like I could conquer the world, and it was an awesome place to be. I had a strong desire to help other women achieve their health goals too; I wanted to share the strength I had developed.

Firstly, I achieved certification as a step instructor in June 2001, and then, in December 2002, received my certification with Can Fit Pro in Toronto, Canada. I applied for work in a fitness center and began my professional calling.

In November 2017, my husband and I moved to Dallas Texas; not having any family or friends in the area, the move was a huge life adjustment, and felt like I was starting over again. Once I settled into my new home, I joined the local gym too, and felt the familiar pulse of positive adrenaline.

In 2018, I enrolled with the International Sports Science Association and kept the educational momentum rolling with the following courses:

Senior Fitness Coaching

Specialist in Exercise Therapy

Specialist in Senior’s Fitness

Corrective Exercise Specialist

Certified Nutritionist

Specialist in Strength and Conditioning

Basic Personal Training 101

Wanting the best version of myself, I continued with these accomplishments:

Functional Nutrition Practitioner (Functional Nutrition Alliance School)

Master Trainer Certification

Health Coach (Health Coach Institute School)

How Fitness Has Helped

To this day, I continue to believe in, and practice what I preach. I can personally vouch for how fitness has helped me to overcome many obstacles in life, and I am confident that it will help you too.

Not only have I become stronger physically, but emotionally as well. My health and fitness journey has allowed me to heal from some scarring traumas in my life: I mourned the loss of several miscarriages, and watched my mother battle breast cancer.

There are many things in life that we can’t control, but we can direct our thoughts, emotions, and reactions to things, in a constructive way.

Staying healthy and strong physically, emotionally, and spiritually has, without a shadow of a doubt, shaped me into the strong woman I am today!

I genuinely want you to also experience strength of body, empowerment of soul, and flexibility of thought, so that when life happens, you will have the resiliency built for it.