What is a health and wellness coach?

A caring individual who thoughtfully develops a personalized approach, and sustainable strategy, to bring overall health and well-being to your life.

As your personal coach, I will help you achieve your goals. By working with your values, and utilizing your strengths, I’ll customize a wellness plan for you to master good habits and realize not only short-term achievements, but also long-term ones.

It is important to recognize though that a health and wellness coach is not a therapist. We do not analyze, diagnose, prescribe treatment, or work with clients to resolve past issues or traumas.

When Do You Need a Health and Wellness Coach?

Are you stressed?

Dealing with an illness, be it mild or severe?

Caring for a loved one?

Need to be healthier?

Want to lose weight?

Do you have a newly-diagnosed medical condition that requires lifestyle change?

Want to prevent an illness or injury from getting worse?

Need help to identify your challenges, goals, and strengths?

Did any of the above scenarios hit home with you? If yes, then you will surely benefit from a health and wellness coach.

How Can I Help?

Since your journey is unique, these are focal areas that will be considered and tailored for you:


Exercise routine

Anxiety and stresses of everyday life

Positive and realistic lifestyle changes to improve overall well-being

Unlock personal potential for empowerment

A personalized step-by-step plan, one size does not fit all

Ongoing support and accountability

What You Can Expect From Me

As your health and wellness coach, I genuinely promise to provide a positive, safe, and confidential environment. I whole-heartedly offer a NO JUDGEMENT zone.

You will have my 100% undivided attention during our private sessions, with kindly-honest feedback and constructive solutions to help achieve your goals.

I will guide you each step of the way, with an impressively large bag of tips, ‘tricks’ and solutions, which I’m confident will meet your particular needs, and align with what you aspire to be.